Esoteric.Codes is a blog devoted to programming languages as an art medium. It serves to document the history of esolangs (esoteric programming languages) and to bridge the hacker community behind it to the art community at large, exploring connections to Fluxus, Oulipo, code art, and synthetic languages
Daniel Temkin’s writings on esolangs and glitch art have been published by World Picture Journal, Media-N Journal, NOOart (the Journal of Objectless Art) and others, and taught at schools including Penn State and Clark University. He speaks widely to both art and hacker audiences about how programming languages function in an art context, at such venues as the Media Art Histories and Notacon. At the GLI.TC/H conference, he co-led a three-day session on glitch and Oulipo. His work has been a critics’ pick in ArtNews, the New York Times, and the Boston Globe, and shown at Mass MoCA, American University Museum, and galleries in the US and Europe.